Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving and Homesickness

Another session has come and gone. As I mentioned at the end of my last post, it was my first time with a medium-high class which was a much needed change from two very low classes. I co-facilitated again and this time it was with a girl named Laura, who is a 26 year-old second-year facilitator with a ton of energy and a great person to work with.

My lunch conversations with the students were much more meaningful as well. I was able to get beyond simple conversations about my chopstick skills, favorite foods, and China travels and on to discussions about the differences between Chinese and American culture, the challenges of being a teacher in China, and values and beliefs.

And, since Thanksgiving fell in the middle of our session, during lunch one day I was able to explain how we celebrate it and how we pray the Lord's prayer at dinner. This was a simple conversation but one where the students showed interest and a desire to understand. I also learned more about Buddhism during that meal as well. After talking about my beliefs, my student told me that she believes there was a god and goddess who were brother and sister and created the earth many years ago. I asked her where they are today, and she said that after they created the earth the god became all of the mountains and the goddess became all of the rivers. I asked her where people go when they die, and she said they go "to the west." I asked about the Buddhist temples, and she said it is there that people bring food and paper print outs of houses, cars, etc., because they believe that those who die need it in the next life. This was all very fascinating to me and revealed to me the stark contrast between our belief systems. Unfortunately I wasn't able to go much deeper than that.

Experiencing Thanksgiving over here was also really challenging. In fact, it was just this last weekend that I had to say goodbye to my sister who left China just yesterday. This, coupled with the fact that I had to say goodbye to some of my favorite students was really rough.

This has and will likely continue to be a hard season as I make it past the 4 month marker and experience my first Christmas overseas. This is especially the case because it was this time last year that I was heading home to be with family and friends for over a month long break at my parents house... it was therefore even harder to say goodbye to Lauren and see all her classmates so excited to get home. This has really put me through the ringer, but by God's grace I'm hanging in there. I am thankful He has graciously provided a big family of fellow believers for me to live and commune with.

Needless to say, I could really use your prayers during this time and the upcoming months as I am stretched and challenged in many new ways. Pray that God would remind me of His love and how He is always working for my good even in the midst of hardship. Pray for our team, that God would unite us and draw us closer during this Holiday season.

Thanks for your prayers and your emails!

PS: To end on a positive note, my class monitor who was one of my favorite students sent the following text to me towards the end of this past session after we had the TIP Talent show:

"You are a great facilitator. After arriving here, I changed a lot. Thanks for you and Laura. Tonight we all feel very excited and have a wonderful time. Have a good dream."

It's comments like this that encourage me and keep me going. :)

Class A
(more pictures to come)

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